“In Greek mythology, Athena is the goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration and arts and crafts (to name a few), and like her namesake would suggest, Efstathiou uses her renowned skills in makeup as a form of artistic expression to inspire others. Not only enhancing the exterior, but also empowering both clients and her followers to shine from the inside.”
What does makeup mean to you?
Makeup for me is a form of meditation. It’s a wonderful way to zone out and relax and just let my hand play as a form of self-expression. It’s also a way of making women feel more beautiful and more confident.
How did your journey with makeup begin?
My journey with makeup began when I didn’t know what I was doing with my life, I was so unhappy. For me, makeup was a way of escaping my life. I would spend hours and hours in my room practising makeup looks! It got to the point where people started to notice my skill and started asking me to do theirs. I realised how much I loved putting makeup on people, watching their confidence transform with the swoop of a brush. I then got myself fully qualified and worked on makeup counters for years.
What inspires you when it comes to makeup and how would you describe your personal unique makeup style?
I never wish to completely change someones look, I simply focus on exemplifying what they already have. My style is a bronze natural glam. Elegant, not too heavy but has the endurance and coverage.
The makeup industry today is both making strides but also heavily criticised for promoting the need to cover up insecurities. What’s your outlook on this?
I believe in doing what you can to make yourself feel more confident. If that means covering up a spot or dark circles then so be it. Makeup only enhances your natural beauty it does not change you. It makes your eyes sparkle and your cheeks a little more blushed.
I also believe in being comfortable with yourself entirely without makeup and in your truest form, but if putting on a little concealer will make you feel more confident and sparkly then I don’t see the problem. If we feel better about ourselves we tend to be happier and a more positive person to be around. In the same way if you eat healthier you feel better and perform better…
What are your goals for the future?
My goals in the future is for my platforms to continue to grow, and have makeup masterclasses all around the world.
Do you have any advice for young makeup artists out there trying to grow their brand?
Consistency and patience. As cliche as it sounds it’s the Gods honest truth. If you really want something and you’re willing to work hard for it, you’ll get to where you want to be.