For World Health Day 2023
Illustration by Abby Eskinder Hailu
The end of March ushered in the ‘New Year’, Springtime. The Spring equinox and the moving forward of the clocks reminded us that the harsh chill of winter and its seemingly endless darkness was behind us. They brought us the excitement of days filled with more sunlight and sundress weather.
When we think of spring we think of new life and a new cycle. This is reflected through nature as we see flowers start to bloom again and in religious practices with the celebrations of Eid and Easter. Before each of these celebrations, there is a period of rest, reflection, and cleansing; Ramadan and Lent. This allows for introspection and discipline within oneself, enabling the rebirth to occur.
Do you feel ready for your rebirth?
In past years I never really gave much thought to the rebirth process that happens around this time of year but this year I feel as though I have reached a new level of self and outer awareness. This may be due to the fact that I am now in my early 20s, or maybe because my mental health is significantly better than previous years, or maybe because I seek to learn how I can use the natural processes in life to benefit me.
I’d like to think it’s a culmination of all three.
Whatever the reason, I am dedicated to enjoying the process that comes along with coming out of the hibernation period.
This is something that I greatly struggled with and still do but on a lesser scale- yay for growth. I struggled with the ‘defrosting’ period that comes along with Spring and before the rebirth. We are not just suddenly reborn; nor are we just suddenly healthy and flowers do not just suddenly bloom. There is a waiting period, a slight delay and I believe that instant gratification complexes are heightened due to social media and its ‘microwave’ growth and success.
It is so easy to compare ourselves and our journeys to those we see online, especially as artists and creatives. We sometimes forget that projects take weeks, months, and even years of planning, birthed from years of skills and development.
Sometimes we don’t feel good enough, qualified enough, or even important enough to share our work or reach out. I personally always felt like I was behind a glass window, seeing my vision but never fully being able to reach or achieve anything. This is because I overlooked the rebirth and the process before it. I wanted to skip straight to summer, the good bit, the time when I could have my place in the sun.
It doesn’t work that way.
This way of thinking destroyed my mental health, my self-image, and my confidence as a creative. It stunted me and I felt asthough I was unable to create. However, I now view my life in accordance with seasons and I implore you to do the same, there is a reason why we use terms such as ‘spring cleaning’.
I feel as though the phrase ‘let go of what no longer serves you’ makes us cringe a bit thanks to its overuse but releasing parts of the old self without malice or harshness allows for the defrosting period to run more smoothly. Every day we go through cycles as part of our larger individual journeys.
“Blossom by blossom the spring begins.” — Algernon Charles Swinburne
Take time, do not rush what will naturally unfold for you. We are part of nature and its natural order. Hibernation, defrosting, and rebirth are all beautiful parts of the process. Everything dormant, that you planted and are now taking the time to nurture will come to fruition.